More News!

18 Jun

Lucy with my neighbor

Pups are SEVEN weeks old today!! And they have their first interested potential adopter. AND she’d only be able to take ’em home after July 4th, which is PERFECT because they’ll be ten weeks old! YAY!!

And it looks like I might end up staying in NYC afterall, and pursuing my dog training career here. We have so many dogs in need, and so many less than ideal trainers, I feel like it’s the least I could do. I’m seriously considering opening up a large training facility (large enough to hold agility/nosework/etc. classes) and rig up a rescue at the same location. I figure if I can get a nice enough facility I can even hold seminars and etc. here, which I feel are really lacking in my area and really bring clicker training to the masses of NYC!

I’ve been less than thrilled with a local rescue and I think I can make a huge positive impact on my neighborhood and really help a lot of dogs. I’m excited, can you tell? I’m envisioning indoor/outdoor runs either on the roof or in a backyard. I understand it may be difficult to find my ideal location, but I really hope it’s possible. And I’d love to do kids and puppies programs, and have a volunteer program. And maybe even have a pilot program to train some shelter dogs as service dogs.

So I made a fledgling facebook account for my business while my friend’s working on my real website:

Come say hi and check us out!

I’m currently giving free intro to clicker training classes at a local park and today was our first one. It went swimmingly, if I may say so. We had FIVE people! And a child, so five and a half? Let’s make it six, she participated in the exercises. Tomorrow is part 2. I’ve broken it up so that part 1 sessions on Saturdays are people only so I can teach basics and handler skills without boring dogs, and part 2 sessions are on Sundays where they’ll bring their pups, show off homework and focus on working with their dogs. Charlie was our demo dog today and he did really well – worked for everyone!

So that’s what I’ve been up to, in addition to all my KPA stuff. My head is just swimming!!

The new face of my business. I'm working on getting a better picture, but it's cute, no?




5 Responses to “More News!”

  1. Kari June 18, 2011 at 7:12 pm #

    We think your business sounds amazing!


  2. Anna June 19, 2011 at 9:17 am #

    wow, sounds like you have been busy. Good luck! I hope you find the perfect space. Sounds like the gang is doing well too.

  3. cherie July 3, 2011 at 1:20 pm #

    Best of luck on your new career. I am sure you client list will be long in no time soon.

  4. Tucker's Mom July 3, 2011 at 10:22 pm #

    Glad to see you back, Ettel! Good luck with your plans! Sounds amazing!

  5. Kristine July 5, 2011 at 10:59 am #

    Congratulations!! This is very exciting news. I hope the puppies adore their new home and you have great success with your new business venture. No doubt you will change many lives, just as my trainer changed mine.

What do you think?